Daisypath Wedding tickers
hai..im zana and this is my new blogger..i create a new blogger since i realized my old one contains a lot of childish crap...hehe..

In this blogger i want to share my journey to marriage life..last raya, my fiance family has set the date of our marriage.. and i was so shocked bila tau date tu sangat sangat singkat.. the date was on 6th March 2011..yang juga merupakan tarikh lahir my fiance... ;p
i dont mind the date..what worry me is, i dont even know where to start for my preparation..! i list down thigs i need to do..and on the top of the list is KURSUS KAHWIN..syukur alhamdulillah, kursus kahwin suda pun selesai....and the countdown to my big day is 96 days to go..

Photoshoot utk our pre-wedding pun suda slesai..alhamdulillah...atas jasa baik my sister and her friend kak suzie, wpun plan last minit but everything going smooth..and also my beloved cuzzy rieyna..sgup bwa kreta sndri drive p ranau semata2 mau tolong lancarkan lgi my photoshoot..tq to u all..
heres r some of my pic..taken from http://www.abadiphotography.blogspot.com/

Alhamdulillah during that day cuaca mendung2..wpun hujan renyai2..tp our photoshoot still lancar..cuma yg x melancarkan kmi, masa x cukup..and i tidak sempat mau pkai 1 lgi bju..hehe

Nice job kak suzie..!! i love the way she edit my pic and oso the way she take our photo.
the best photographer ever!! unfortunately, during my wedding dia x dpt jdi my photographer sebab bulan 3 ni due dia deliver.. :( but its ok.. melahirkan baby itu lebi penting.. hehehe

i want to share more..but time is running up..to be continue soon!